Group Projects As Told By The Characters Of Ice Age | The Odyssey Online
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Group Projects As Told By The Characters Of Ice Age

Sid the sloth feels your pain.

Group Projects As Told By The Characters Of Ice Age

When your professor utters the dreaded words “group project,” you immediately mash the panic button. Your superiors claim that many hands make light work, but you’re convinced that group assignments are a cruel invention designed to make you frustrated with your peers.

The prehistoric critters of Ice Age feel you.

As soon as your professor begins discussing the project, the class shares in a collective sigh. Then, a groan when the professor announces that groups have already been assigned.

“Fine, fine, you can choose,” says the professor in response. You wish you hadn’t groaned because now you are sliding down in your seat, hiding from eye contact with a student you know will be unwilling to put in the necessary effort.

Or you feel like you're back on your elementary school playground waiting to be picked for a kickball team. You try to keep cool, but you peek around, hoping that some kind soul will invite you to join their group.

You find a clan, and the "take charge" attitude of the group begins assigning roles.

During the honeymoon stage (the weeks leading up to crunch time), you and the rest of your group are buddy-buddy: "Have you done your research yet?" "Nah, not yet. I'm saving that for tomorrow." "Oh, yeah, me too."

The deadline creeps closer and closer, yet you and your group members continue to goof off during your meetings.

Eventually, one of you makes the mistake of talking to someone from another group. Reality check: you are terrifically did you manage to waste this much time?

You quickly make plans to meet up in the library.

At first, you are cordial with one another. For the sake of your project, though, etiquette begins to take a backseat.

"I don't like that." "The wording doesn't make any sense." "What are you even trying to accomplish?" By this point, you've spent enough time together to be brutally honest.

At your meetings, you are always ready to hit the hay, but the night owls of your group are up and at 'em. You're not going anywhere.

When one of you brings snacks to a study session, you become the center of attention. Even Dodo birds know that food is the key to success.

And, if someone else brings snacks, you love that person.

Not for long, though. He had to leave the meeting early and took off with the notes that the group needed.

Fortunately, you can forgive him because now the rest of you have an excuse to end the meeting early.

Two days before the deadline, you meet with your professor to make sure that you're on the right track. Newsflash: you're not.

The deadline is fast approaching, and you are not sure you are going to make it in time.

You have lost faith in humanity.

You are beginning to think like Sid.

You also resemble Sid because you haven't showered in three days.

Then comes the surreal moment: you finish the project, and it's a job well done. You congratulate one another. You do a victory dance. You even trust your group member to turn the project in on time.

And although you might be the "weirdest herd" on campus, you stick together because no other clan could ever understand you as well as these people do.

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