Group projects might be the single most hated assignment in the college atmosphere, as many college students would tell you. We all dread it, but it's still a thing in 99% of the classes we take.
Disappears at the beginning and appears again at the very end. She's too busy or just doesn't really care about school in general.
Thinks he knows it all, but gets shot down. Sure he knows a ton about things, just nothing relevant to what you're doing.
The technology savvy one who will probably put together a really nice powerpoint presentation.
The one who wants to make it all pretty and cares very little about the academic aspect.
Does 99% of the work: research, composing the information, outlining the project components, distributing the workload (even though they'll do it all without anybody asking), etc.
Says he'll help, but really just sits in the corner and pretends. He'll throw in a few comments here or there but they'll have little to do with the project and more to do with where he wants to go to eat.
Good luck on all your group project endeavors - hopefully you'll be paired with a solid group of students and you can pull it off with little distress through the process.