A group of moms grew tired of the limited number of clothing options for their young girls. They got tired of seeing just sparkly pink clothes on the racks at the shopping centers. So, these moms came together and started their own clothing line called #ClothesWithoutLimits where they removed the stereotypes typically found in young girls' clothes. They have dresses with atomic shells designs on them, a shirt with the saying "Forget Princess, Call Me President," and many designs that involve dinosaurs and robots.
The 10 moms that came together to form this clothing line set out to do much more than just design clothes, they want to help make people realize how the lack of clothing options for young girls have an impact far beyond just clothes. They want to show the world that girls need to have many options so they don't feel they can only like certain things because of their gender.
There are young girls that simply do not enjoy wearing a dress, and when it comes to dressing up for a family occasion it is practically impossible to find something that their child will willingly want to wear. So, this clothing line also offers cute suits made specifically for girls. You shouldn't have to choose between wearing a dress or wearing something with a dinosaur on it, so these moms combined the two so that these young girls can have more options and be excited about the clothes they can wear.
This campaign goes far beyond just the clothes, these moms want people to help allow children to express themselves and be fully comfortable doing so. They want people to encourage children to do three different things: wear what they love, recognize that stereotypes exist and think critically of them, and to respect and understand that people have different ideas/interests from theirs and that is completely okay and acceptable.
I think this is such a wonderful campaign, and I fully support what these mothers are setting out to do. They want to help break down the gender stereotypes and show young girls that it is okay to be interested in things that others might not enjoy. A girl shouldn't be forced to wear something that they find uncomfortable because "that's what they are supposed to wear" but rather be able to find something they love and will be proud to show off. They are taking suggestions for new clothing options by telling people to send in what their children love but aren't depicted in any clothing options.
One of the moms, Michele Yulo, said the following in an interview “Clothing is an extension of our personalities revealing specific characteristics about who we are and, inevitably, judgements are made based on those choices,”. This is completely accurate and I know that this line/campaign is going to make it big. Young girls need the options to express who they truly are, and clothes are the best way to do so. This line of clothing will give them the option to fully show who they are.