Halloween and the fall season is my favorite time of year. One of my favorite parts of Halloween has always been the costumes. Even now as a 20 year old college student, costumes are the best part.
If you're like me you don't know what to wear to Halloween parties alongside your friend(s). So, to help you out, here are 10 costume ideas that you and your friend(s) can be this Halloween!
1. Fruit
This costume can work with one, two, or even 10 of your closest friends. It can even be a solo costume.
2. Netflix and Chill
3. Social Media
I mean you might as well dress how you spend your time.
4. "The Wizard of Oz"
"There's no place like home". And there's also no movie like this one.
5. Chips and Salsa
Because who doesn't love Mexican food?
6. "Golden Girls"
Who wouldn't want to be the savage Dorothy?
7. Blair and Serena from "Gossip Girl"
8. "Pretty Little Liars"
9. Pam and Jim from "The Office"
Why not just remake their costumes from the show?
10. "The Breakfast Club"
Personally did this one as you can see from the picture below. It's so much fun. If you haven't seen this movie, stop what you're doing and go watch it... after you read my article of course ;)
I hope you all got a little inspiration for your Halloween costume!