I wake up whenever Keith decides to get up. Usually he will be up around the same time as the lights come on outside. We like to go on long walks in the morning together and I like to sniff all the bushes and leaves to try and find other friends out in the nature. There is a great walking trail near our house and so we will go for runs on that sometimes too! After I eat breakfast we like to go for another run and I usually get pretty tired after that one. Keith will then leave the house for some time, I can;t really tell how long he is gone but I always miss him. Instead of thinking about missing him I just use this time to take a nice nap so I can have enough energy to play when Keith gets home!
When Keith finally gets back we go right back outside to play some more. This is usually when he will throw a stick or a ball for me to chase and I love that. I like to run so much that I can;t catch my breath when we go back inside and my tongue hangs out of my mouth while I lay on the cool tile floor. Now it's time for my next nap of the day! Since it has been so cold lately I like to lay close to Keith while I nap and he does something with his computer for awhile. It makes a lot of clicking noises and I don't like it that much but I think he needs it for school and work.
Usually when I wake up I will go eat my dinner and Keith always likes to put some good stuff in the bowl for me like turkey or green beans. I like those way better than those brown pellets, they get so boring! With a full belly we like to relax for the rest of the evening and maybe play a little more. I'm very excited to go see the other members of the pack soon, Keith says that we will go visit them for the holiday coming up! That is always so much fun.
Finally we settle down for the night and I like to try and steal Keith's pillow on the bed when he isn't looking. Goodnight!