Just a few days after eating Thanksgiving dinner with the family, the turkey leftovers are gone and it is time to start preparing for the most wonderful time of the year-Christmas. Every family has unique traditions and stories of holiday events gone awry, but almost everyone can relate to the Griswold's eventful Christmas experience in the popular holiday movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
A couple weeks after Thanksgiving, Christmas break starts for every student. Parents decide to utilize some of the vacation days they've saved up throughout the year by staying home for family bonding time.
The first thing families often do together is decorate the house for the holiday season. The arguably most important decoration is the Christmas tree. Finding the right evergreen is always an adventure.
We're kicking off our fun, old-fashioned family Christmas by
heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the
frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select the most important of
Christmas symbols.
Once the perfect tree is selected from the tree farm or tree lot, it's time to cut it down, take it home, and decorate it
Dad, this tree won't fit in our backyard. // It's not going in the yard, Russ. It's going in the living room.
Besides decorating the house's interior, it is also important to cover the exterior with lights.
Unravel these. We need to check every bulb. Little knot here, you can work on that.
Once all of the lights are finally put up, it is time for the unveiling of your family's outdoor Christmas light show. Even if you check every light before attaching it to your house's exterior, sometimes things can go wrong.
The little lights...they aren't twinkling. // I know, Thanks for noticing.
Thanks to a little common sense from your mom, the light problem is solved. The house looks beautiful lit up, and everyone takes a second to admire it.
I dedicate this house to the Griswold Family Christmas.
Once the house is decorated from top to bottom, it is time to start preparing for the arrival of your relatives. Sometimes it is difficult figuring out where everyone is going to sleep.
Do you sleep with your brother? Do you know how sick and twisted that is? // Well, I'm sleeping with your father. Don't be so dramatic. // Would it be indecent to ask the grandparents to stay at a hotel?
When your relatives finally show up on Christmas Eve, some of them are a bit older and stranger than you remembered.
You spending hours chatting and catching up. Some of things you learn greatly surprise you.
The older boy, bless his soul, is preparing for his career. // College? // Carnival. // You've got to be proud.
While everyone is talking, some of your cousins slyly start shaking the presents under the tree, wondering what is in store for them Christmas morning.
This box is meowing...She wrapped up her dang cat!
Instead of socializing in the living room, your mother and aunt are finishing up Christmas dinner in the kitchen. When all the food is finally ready, the whole family sits down together to pray and eat.
Catherine, if this turkey tastes half as good as it looks, we're all in for a real treat!
Looking around at the table, you remember just how much you are thankful for and how much you love your somewhat crazy family.
The most enjoyable traditions of the season are best enjoyed in the warm embrace of kith and kin.
Christmas may be one of the most stressful times of the year, but is a great time to remember what is important in life.
It's the Christmas star, and that's all that matters tonight. Not bonuses, or gifts, or turkeys, or trees. Kids, it means something different to everybody, and now I know what it means to me.
Merry Christmas, and may your holiday season be as memorable as the Griswold's!