The best part of being a bookworm is finding a new world to escape too. It's true that bookworms go through much of the same stages our friends do when they begin to date someone, but with us, it's all about a book.
It starts with you skeptically picking up a book that looks semi interesting and deciding to read the back cover, just to see if it catches your attention. Either the cover was mind blowing or you gave the book a little pity and thought you'd read a little further to see if it got interesting.
Then you fall hard, getting sucked into a completely new world and in the end spending all of your extra money buying the entire series. Much like how your friends begin to spend most of their free time with their new love interests, you spend it with your book.
Go out and socialize? I would much rather crawl into my bed, wrap up in a furry blanket and read my book.
When your friends start talking about their date last night, you are catching them up on the last two book of "Harry Potter." Remember how you felt when your Ride or Die just wouldn't stop talking about their new Bae?
Well, she feels the same about you and your new book, interested for the first five minutes, then waiting for a topic change.
What can I say, it's an amazing book! Just like Becky tugging along her new boyfriend everywhere she goes like a third leg, you have that book tucked right under your arm, ready to start reading it the minute you sit down.
If a teacher yells at you during class it's never for talking, sleeping, or playing on your phone. Oh no, it's for having your nose stuck in a book all class period. Has your teacher actually seen your face this semester?
Yes, just like a new relationship, you are thinking about this new series 24/7. No one truly knows a break up like a book worm. Becky and her Bae broke up and now she is going through the rational stages of grief. Denial, anger, crying and the all-important rebound to Ben and Jerry's double chocolate fudge ice cream.
You, on the other hand, read the entire Harry Potter series in one week. It's like being thrust back into the real world after taking a bliss vacation. All you want is for the author to hurry up and write another book. You probably googled whether or not there will be another and most likely the answer was either 'no' or the next book is due to be released in four years.
Your friends knock on your door, just time for dinner. You happily oblige, because the only thing better than a good book is a good burger. As you sit down at the dinner table surrounded by your friends you have one dooming thought.