Grey's Anatomy has captured our hearts since 2005, even after the deaths of all our beloved characters. From "007" to Bailey finding Meredith's panties on the bulletin board, we all have laughed or cried. Here are 11 memes to bring up those forgotten feelings.
1. George O'Malley had finally decided to serve his country and being the gentleman he was he pushes a lady out of the way from an incoming bus...
And after being at the hospital, getting the nick- name John Doe, (because no one knew who he was and he was unrecognizable,) O'Malley fingered spelled "007" into Meredith's hand and then she realized it was O'Malley. He later ended up dying from his brain swelling and was declared brain dead.
2. The first two women Richard Weber fell in love with were Ellis Grey (Meredith's Mom) and Adele Webber. There both ended up dying and leaving him all alone till Catherine Avery and Richard Webber reunited.
3. After Cristina finally decided that she wants to get back together with Owen, he decides that it would be best to get a divorce so that way those involved in the plane crash could get the money.
4. Richard Webber is dating Avery's Mom, Catherine Avery. 
5. Dereck Shepard, even when he gets shot and almost dies, he's still as dreamy as ever. His hair was always perfect, even on his deathbed. 
6. In their big plane crash Cristina was constantly in a panic because she was missing her other shoe. Arizona is freaking out about being able to see her bone in her thigh... Cristina finally found her shoe and was happy.
7. Mr.McSteamy and all of us have always known that Derrick has always loved Meredith from the beginning. Mark Sloan eventually mentions this and everyone else soon begins to realize how much Derrick loved Meredith.
8. No fans of Grey's Anatomy will ever be able to listen to Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol anymore because...
that was the song they played when they pulled the plug on Derrick Shepard. R.I.P. Mr.McDreamy. He ended up dying because the hospital he was rushed to, did not do a head CT first.
9. The most famous scrub nurse, who is always there in every major surgery. Bohkee has actually only ever said one line in 13 seasons, "Yes, Doctor.".
10. Teddy has always had the best interest in mind. She eventually falls in love with him and then Shonda Rhimes kills him off, like she has done with everyone you loved.
11. One of the originals who hasn't been killed off and hopefully will never be. What would Grey's Anatomy be like without Grey? Probably very gray.
Grey's Anatomy will always be one of my favorite shows. We can always remember the good days. MerDer till the day I die.