The week before finals and finals week itself are both brutal. You can chip away at your homework and study little by little for days and your list of tests to study for or homework to complete is endless. The last two weeks of college are filled with a copious amount of stress and breakdowns, so give yourself a break here and there to laugh about it. It will all be over soon.
My favorite way to attempt to de-stress is to treat myself to an episode (or two) (OK... three) episodes of "Grey's Anatomy." So throughout these two stressful weeks, I have Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang in the back of my head telling me to suck it up.
1. When you look at everything you have to do in the span of two weeks.
I don't know about you, but my list of things to do for finals week feels as if it is a mile long. Between daily homework assignments, final projects and studying for finals, the list is never-ending.
2. When you look at your final and realize you know nothing.
Sometimes no matter how much you study, you open your final and blank. Or your final is the complete opposite of what you were told would be on your final.
3. When your professor says the final is cumulative.
I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this morning. How am I supposed to remember a concept or vocabulary word from the first week of the semester?
4. Sleep? What's sleep?
Sleep is scarce the last couple weeks of the semester. At this point, I can sleep anywhere and be completely content.
5. When someone says, "I'm not studying at all!"
You do you, but when you get your final score back and you're mad about it, don't complain.
6. "The last day of class you'll need to turn in..."
Say what? I have a week and a half to crank out three 5-8 page essays, study for all of my finals and finish three projects?
7. When someone complains about their finals schedule
We all have some kind of finals schedule and each one sucks. It is finals week. Everything and anything sucks.
8. When your friend is overly stressed (just like you).
At some point, finals week makes us crazy. Sometimes, you just gotta grab a friend and dance it out.
9. When your classmate asks a question and gets your professor ridiculously off topic.
I'm sorry, but it is almost finals week. I want to know last-minute information that will be on the final, I want to know the content that is going to be on the final. Let's not get the professor distracted, please!
10. When you study and forget to eat
During finals week, studying time either flies by or you're too stressed you forget to eat. Until you think about food. Then you want to eat an entire grocery store.
11. Don't give up.
Listen to Cristina Yang; be unstoppable. Yes, this week is incredibly stressful and overwhelming but you can make it through. Do the best you can.
12. When finals week is finally over.
Here comes summer! All of the stress and hard work has officially paid off. Enjoy your couple of months off with your friends and family—you deserve it!