14. The best boat to have is someone else's | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things You Know To Be True If You Grew Up On The Lake

It's aboat time we acknowledge the life of a lake kid.

20 Things You Know To Be True If You Grew Up On The Lake
Reader's Digest

No matter which lake you grew up on, the memories are all relatively similar. There's something to be said for having a constant source of entertainment right down the street from you. Whether you're venturing out with family on the Fourth of July or listening to your parent's safety rules for the one millionth time, no day on the lake is a waste. Here are 20 things you know to be true if you grew up on the lake.

1. Sunscreen runs through your blood stream

Our mommas have been preaching about skin cancer for as long as we can remember. That still doesn't stop us from laying out to tan.


2. Your elbows are permanently scarred

Tubing should be an olympic sport. Your poor elbows will show battle scars for years to come.


3. Your hair is always just a tad blonder

Thank you sunshine (and the occasional squirt of Sun-In spray).


4. "Camping" has a whole new meaning

You haven't lived until you've spent the night on a boat.


5. Every great southern momma has a sign with some cute lake quote

Ahhhh, southern lake families. Their hearts are warm, their tea is sweet and their home decor is a friendly mix of tacky and adorable.


6. Your hair has a personality of its own after a day on the water

At first you try to brush it out, but then you remember that you'd like to have SOME hair by the time you turn 20.


7. It's either a pontoon day or a speed boat day, never both

You're either a speed boat family or a pontoon family, and the grass is ALWAYS greener.


8. Your staple bathing suits are like a second skin

It doesn't matter how gross they get, you're not even going to TRY to look for new suits.


9. 1,000 splinters later and you STILL don't wear shoes

You'd think you'd learn eventually but NOPE.


10. Your favorite sunglasses will forever remain 10 feet underwater buried in the mud

Croakies, bobby pins, rubber bands, we've tried it all. STILL our favorite pair of glasses don't stand a chance.


11. Storms on the lake are scary and exhilarating all at once

There is no fear like being stuck on the boat during a pop-up summer storm. Quick, seek shelter under that random person's dock!


12. You choose to ignore the fish swimming next to you

If you can't see them, they can't see you, right? Oh crap, look over there. Do catfish bite?


13. If another boater doesn't wave, they're permanently labeled a jerk

It's common lake manners people, look it up.


14. The best boat to have is someone else's

So hopefully your boating experiences are better than these people's....but regardless boats are NOT cheap. Having a friend with a boat is the best.


15. The BEST girl talk time happens on a tube

The most iconic secrets are revealed in the middle of the lake.


16. Ducks bite

Ducks are mean. Never feed them and ALWAYS keep your distance.


17. Tubing twists you in ways you should never be twisted

How do more people not die in tubing accidents?


18. WiFi is never needed

Who needs phones when you have a drink, the water and a friend?


19. Country music has never sounded better than it does on the lake

Country songs are MEANT to be enjoyed on the water. Just ask Thomas and Lauren, they seem to be enjoying themselves.


20. You can't imagine having grown up anywhere else

You are 100 percent aware of how lucky you are to have grown up on the lake and you can't imagine what you would've done all summer if you hadn't.


As summer days get shorter and shorter, the lake memories become even more valuable. You really don't realize how nice it is to live by the water until the time comes that you are no longer living the lake life. That being said, lather on the sunscreen, wave to your neighbors, always leave your shoes behind, and never take a day on the water for granted

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