Growing up in a large family is very interesting and often exciting. I have eight siblings, so I definitely know all of the points all too well.
1. Roommate
For the most part, you will have a roommate that you are stuck with for as long as you stay at home.
Which honestly, isn’t that bad because you both learn the best way to keep each other from getting annoyed. There were, of course, those arguments about stuff being on the wrong side of the room but that was grown out of (for the most part).
2. Shower/Bath.
Okay, this one is pretty frustrating. When there are so many people who need to take a shower someone always ends up with cold water.
Especially when your whole family is about to go somewhere. We got quite good at scheduling who took a shower when, but there were still those cold shower events.
3. Games.
My siblings and I always played games and because there was a lot of us we always had plenty of people to play almost anything. There would be epic badminton games or intense hide and seek in the dark.
Our biggest problem came about when we had too many people and had to chose who played and who couldn’t.
4. Car rides
My family always had to take the big van whenever we went on vacations or went anywhere we all were going. These trips were actually fun because we would take toys or games and play with each other.
As we got older it would be conversations we would have that would keep us entertained. They always seemed rather epic to me, never boring or tiresome trips.
5. Conversations
There is always someone to have a conversation with a large family. Always some to agree with and always someone to disagree with. My siblings and I are actually not loud people (in public anyway).
We have those conversations that you really can only talk to a sibling about because they come from your exact situation and you don’t worry about scaring them away because they are stuck with you as a sibling.