Having a twin brother has come with so many ups and downs throughout our past 20 years of life. We fought like cats and dogs for most of our life, but once college hit, we became close, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You don't have the same relationship as boy-girl siblings because being a boy-girl twin is 100 times better.
1. You had separate birthday cakes every year growing up.
2. You constantly argue over who's the older twin.
3. You thank God you never had to share a room with each other.
4. You never really had twin sense...
5. ...But you could still read each other's mind every once in a while.
6. You got to play with both boy and girl toys at the same time.
7. You are constantly surprised no one died based on how many times y'all fought.
8. You never had to worry about someone else stealing your clothes.
9. You may or may not have the same high-pitched voice.
10. Being the older twin or younger twin always came with a different set of bragging rights.
11. You have a pretty good idea of what you would look like as the opposite gender.
12. You almost always had someone to play with.
13. You wouldn't want to have any other sibling in the world.
Love you, JJ.