People change. I think that people tend to forget that, people change and that's okay. The change that happens in your life comes from growing up and maturing. It comes from learning who you are as a person and accepting who you are as a person. However, not everyone changes. Some people stay stuck in their younger days without any want to change and become more mature. I don't fault those people for that but that doesn't mean I'm going to hang around and do the same things we did when we were younger.
Sometimes I look at one of my friends and realize that they're still the same person they are when I met them. I realize that they haven't grown as a person because of this I sometimes have to leave that friendship behind. It sounds bad, I know it does, yet I cannot find it in me to care. It becomes exhausting after a certain point to keep up with friends who haven't changed and still do the same things they did in highschool. After a certain point I start thinking about my future and realize that they haven't thought past what they're going to do next week, let alone in ten years.
I'm at the age where I'm trying to get my life on track and do what I need to get to where I want to be in life. That means I don't have time to baby those around me who don't know what they want to do. Now, I'm not saying if you don't know what you want to do I'm going to cut you off. What I'm saying is that if you, as a person, is doing nothing to better their life and is just doing the same thing they did years ago without any type of change or plan to change then I'm not going to stay and baby you. I want to see my friends succeed and do well in life but if they're unwilling to change or do anything to better or further their life then I'm not going to fight to keep them in my life.
Just like people don't change from when you're younger some do. The girl down the street you hated growing up becomes a friend because you both grew as people and learned that there's no need for the hate. This has a lot to do with growing up and changing as a person. Holding childhood grudges will get you nowhere and that's something that I learned when I started college.
Now, this doesn't mean that any person who is still living at home, not going to college, or doing the same thing they did is being cut out of my life. There are people who I'm friends with who haven't gone to college or moved out that have grown a lot as a person and know where they want to be in life. They're just at a part in their life where they're getting on the path to be where they want to be. This doesn't meant that I wish them any sort of ill will either, it just means that our chapter together in my life is over. I still want them to succeed and do well. I still love them and will check in on them to make sure they're okay.
So, to the friends I no longer am friends with or speak to - I hope you're doing well. I hope that life is treating you good. More importantly, I hope that you've figured out what you want to do with yourself because you deserve to build a life that you'll love. I'm just not someone who could sit around and wait for you to get to where you wanted to be. Not while I was changing and you weren't.