Everything is green.
That´s all he notices as he strolls through
The thick woods,
Teeming with vibrant foliage.
His hair is shaved off
And his pale skin, once a blank canvas,
Is now covered in countless works of art,
Each with a story of their own.
He presses a cigarette to his lips,
Breathing in what he knows is bad for him,
And breathing out his sorrow.
¨You have got to let it go,¨ his regretful mind says,
¨It´s been years; she doesn´t care anymore.¨
But he can´t. He just can´t let her go.
Flashes of memories dance around his head.
Their first date.
Their first kiss.
Their first ¨Because I love you.¨
Their first fight.
Their first break-up.
Their first make-up.
Their last goodbye.
They haunt his brain
And poison it with endless what if´s.
He drops his cigarette onto the grass covered earth
And looks up at the sky that is peeking through the trees,
Painted with all of her favorite colors.
He knows very well that life goes on,
and he knows that, in time, he will move on, too.
But for now, the broken hearted man will use a second to admire
Everything that is green.