What is green plumbing?
The goal of green plumbing is to minimize the environmental impact of plumbing. This is done by reducing water usage, lowering energy usage, using fewer harmful chemicals, and more. The green plumbing movement applies to both homeowners, businesses, and professional plumbers.
What you can do.
As a homeowner, there are numerous steps you can take to make your plumbing greener. Some of the methods require new, more eco-friendly products, while others are simple changes to your daily routine that can have a significant impact. As an added benefit, many of these ideas can also save you money in the long run.
Use less water.
Did you know that the average person uses 80-100 gallons of water per day? Look for ways you can cut down on your water usage – from watering your lawn less to taking shorter showers.
Maintaining your plumbing system is also important to your overall water consumption. A leaky pipe, faucet, or toilet can waste gallons of water each day, not to mention cause water damage to your home and property. When you find a problem with your plumbing, call a licensed plumber to fix it right away.
Install water-saving products.
On top of modifying your own practices and behaviors, you can also change some of your home's fixtures to reduce your water use. For example, installing a low-flow showerhead can drastically reduce the amount of water you use per shower.
Another idea is replacing your older toilet with a low-flow model. These toilets use around 1.6 gallons per flush (or less), while regular toilets use 3.5 gallons or more per flush.
Switch to energy-efficient appliances.
Advances in technology have made home appliances more energy efficient than ever. By replacing your old dishwasher or washing machine with a new model, you can reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy bills at the same time.
Of all the appliances to replace, the most important one may be your water heater. TheDepartment of Energy estimates that 17% of a home's total energy is used by the water heater. Switching to a tankless water heater that creates hot water on-demand instead of storing 30-80 gallons at all times can cut your energy usage by up to 34%.
Of course, it may not be possible for you to purchase all new appliances right away or completely revamp your daily routine. That's OK. Even small changes can have a big impact.
How to find a green plumber in your area.
While you're making your home more eco-friendly, you should also work with a licensed plumber who uses green plumbing practices.
A green plumber should have the training and experience to provide high-quality plumbing service that's good for the environment – without sacrificing the functionality and comfort of your home. Here are some examples:
●Conducting a water audit and providing recommendations to reduce usage and waste
●Installing WaterSense approved fixtures and accessories
●Insulating pipes to reduce energy loss
●Fixing plumbing clogs without chemicals
To get started, you can search theGreen Plumbers certification program. You can also contact a local licensed plumber and ask about his is her green plumbing practices.
As global warming and fresh water shortages continue to become major issues in today's world, it becomes everyone's reasonability to live more sustainably. By using green plumbing methods, you can help reduce your home's impact on the environment.