You go through a lot of experiences throughout your life and therefore, you meet a lot of people. All of these people are different. Some are strangers (people you just pass by), some are acquaintances (people you may have had class with but they know very little about you), and some are friends (people you share personal details with). I've been lucky to have had a lot of friends, coaches, mentors, family members, etc. that have cared about me and wanted the best for me. On the other hand, I've also known a lot of people that never truly had my best interest in mind when I thought they did.
One of the worst feelings is finding out that someone you thought you could trust or looked up to is actually someone that was deceiving you. The sad part is, it happens a lot. Now that's not to say I haven't met a ton of true friends and amazing mentors, and I'm super thankful for them, but for the sake of this article, I'm going to focus on the people who never really wanted to see me succeed.
I've always been a firm believer that people who don't want to see you succeed are just jealous of something that you have or encompass that they wish was theirs. I have no hate for any of these people I've encountered at all, but instead I'm praying for them. Praying they find whatever they're seeking so they can experience happiness.
We all don't get or have everything we want, because that's just how life works. It's how we choose to deal with these trials and tribulations that makes us who we are. I think we ultimately have two decisions when something doesn't go our way:
1. Let it make us better.
2. Let it make us bitter.
I feel truly sorry for the people who choose the latter because it's not hurting anyone but them. People don't really know if you're jealous of them, unless you make it painstakingly obvious; it eats away at you while not doing any harm to the person you're jealous of. Instead, we're given a lifetime to make mistakes and learn from them. If we utilize that for the betterment of ourselves, we're able to create qualities within ourselves that we love and enjoy, so we can spend more time celebrating our successes instead of being jealous of others.
I don't want to live under the wrath of the Green Eyed Monster. The burden that it puts on you is something no one should want to live with. I very much so correlate this monster with the Devil, and in no way do I want to let him take over me. Jesus is MY savior and made me the way I am for a reason; I will embrace each and every quality he has given me.