The new Starbucks cups are all the rage on social media right now. Starbucks recently debuted their new cup -- not to be confused with their holiday cup -- to "make a political statement symbolizing peace and unity during a time of divisive uproar surrounding the election." Why, you may ask, is there such a dispute over a cup (I mean... really)? The answer is simple: Starbucks is a Jesus hating, Christmas refuting, politically brainwashing corporation who want all of their customers to be their espresso-fueled minions.
OK, that's not actually why there is so much dispute. But these are the reasons so many customers are "offended."
Last year, the holiday cup release was "too minimalist" for some customers. If you are an avid Starbucks goer, you may remember the 2015 holiday cup simply being a plain, red cup. This new green cup is NOT to be confused with their holiday cup -- Starbucks announced that they indeed have a new holiday cup being released on November 10, but some customers still don't see the point of the new cup.
Starbucks made it clear that the point of this cup was to really encourage customers (and the general public) to be good to one another, especially during the election period. Customers have accused Starbucks via Twitter that they are "brainwashing" and "politically influencing" their customers. Excuse you, but how is a green cup with stick figures on it either of those things? They clearly said that their intention was to create a sense of UNITY between their customers, and all the customers do is retaliate and cause an uproar of lies. One customer even said to "stop pushing your liberal bull**** views and just sell coffee." I really don't understand how this cup pushes any sort of views other than respect, unity and kindness onto their customers.
My biggest issue with this new green cup is not any of the concerns other customers are having. It is that so many people are getting offended by a cup, yet they refuse to actually get involved and informed on things that matter. As a millennial who generally tries to stay on top of the latest news, watch the political debates and makes an effort to engage in healthy debates with others, this just seems silly.
Please, for the love of coffee, stop being offended by a stupid green cup! Get up, get informed, and don't try to spend your life trolling corporations on the internet because they don't do things your way. To these companies, you truly are a microscopic portion of their income. If you truly don't like their new cups, stop complaining and take your business elsewhere.