I came home for the summer craving nothing more than my favorite home-cooked meal: my mom's lamb chops, artichokes, and baked potatoes. To my surprise, those three items were not on the menu. My mom–who I must mention is a pretty good cook–had ordered food online. What the heck is this craziness, I thought to myself. Then my mom read my mind and told me she had ordered something called Green Chef.
A million thoughts went through my head. I was tired, hungry, and in need of some comfort food. Green what? I want something I know. I don't want this Green Chef madness. The five-year-old inside of me wanted to come out and cry on the kitchen floor. My mom said "Don't worry, you'll like it," and forty-five minutes later, she proved that statement correct.
According to their website, "[They] think you shouldn’t have to choose between quick and quality; between easy and healthy. That’s why [they] created Green Chef. [They] deliver organic, sustainably sourced ingredients and original, wholesome recipes to your doorstep. No compromises; just convenience." They have a website which enables you to order all the ingredients to make meals for the week, which are not only delicious and nutritious, but are not frozen. Each meal is only featured once a year at most and includes an assortment of ingredients that the majority of the U.S. population has never even heard of. These meals bring inspiration to dinnertime and are nothing less than delicious 100 percent of the time.
As a college student, it is so easy to stick to what you know when it comes to dinner. For me that means pasta, chicken grilled on a George Forman grill, and baked veggies for most meals. But man oh man, does that get boring fast. After begging my mom to buy this service for me, I finally was able to spice up my meals, literally.
I encourage you to check it out and try their free trial. See what they have to offer!