Being A Packers Fan Is Harder Than People Think | The Odyssey Online
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Being A Packers Fan Is Harder Than People Think

It's not all cheese curds and snowy Instagrams.

green bay packers

Many people think that being a Packers fan is the best and easiest thing in the world. Since we go to the playoffs almost every year, we are supposed to be considered "grateful." Let me just say this, being a Packers fan is the hardest. We may go to the playoffs a lot, but we never make it to the Super Bowl, and we always fall short every season. We have two of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history, with only two championships to show. Every season seems to be a constant disappointment, There is no other team that can be compared to the Packers. You could make a case for the Washington Capitals, but they just won the Stanley Cup.

Believe me, it's hard being a Packers fan.

To start, we need to talk about what the problem is. The problem is our team can never finish. Aaron Rodgers has carried the team for over a decade. We have only reached the Super Bowl once in that time. Every year in the playoffs, the defense seems to stink the big one and lose us the game. The 2009 playoffs against the Cardinals saw both teams score 45+ with us losing. In the 2011 playoffs, the Packers lost to the Giants 37-20 and we went 15-1 that season. In 2012 and 2013, we lost to the 49ers in the playoffs because Colin Kaepernick shredded our defense. I don't even want to bring up the 2015 playoffs against the Seahawks where we should have won but lost because of a dumb player on our team. And it just seems like we can never win in the playoffs. Aaron Rodgers can't do it himself.

I have had my heart broken the past eight seasons and it doesn't get easier.

Then we can talk about the absolute fucking roller coaster the regular season brings us. Aaron Rodgers seems to get injured a lot, and that scares the shit out of every fan. When he is healthy, we have seen games come down to the last play. Either there was a hail mary, a field goal, or some magic shit that we could never have imagined. I'll never forget the miracle in Mowtown, or the last second field goal against the Cowboys in the playoffs two years ago. Let's not forget Randall Cobb's heroics against the Bears in 2013 and last week.

My heart has been through so many roller coaster games, it's hard to not feel anxious every minute.

Then we can talk about how the Packers are run. The mentality of the team is to grow your players. While this may sound good, we rarely sign free agents. Take for example Khalil Mack. The Packers could have easily signed Mack this off-season. We have two first-round draft picks, and a bunch of cap space. We needed to sign him. But because our fucking team refuses to make moves, we lost him to the Bears. This dude is a beast and we just lost him. When we grow players, we take the chance that they may not be good. We drafted two corners a few years ago and gave them multiple opportunities to be great. They absolutely sucked and we lost. We traded them and here we are again with the same problem. We need to sign players, and we just don't. This kills us as fans because it just seems like the organization is lazy. We need good players, so go sign good players.

The Green Bay Packers are a great franchise and I love being their fan. But people need to realize it isn't the best thing in the world because we go through serious troubles. It must suck seeing your team be horrible, but would you rather see your team underachieve every season?

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