Alright, everyone, be prepared for hearing stories of nothing but me in Greece for the rest of the summer, and maybe my life.
I climbed a mountain in Greece. I hate writing in the first person, because it sounds so nar·cis·sis·tic. But yeah, I climbed it. Just one, though.
It wasn't Olympus. The group wasn't anywhere near that rustic of an area. Those of us willing to make the pilgrimage took the subway to the city surrounding the Church of St George. Slippery streets naturally lead us up- After all, isn't that the only way to go about climbing such a thing?
I was in it for the pure experience of roughing it. I wanted to feel the height that I gained beneath my feet, every inch wary of shelves in the rock face for my fingers to grip. Pan over to my dissapointed face when we take a tram that litterally takes you to the top. Listen, I'm not trying to shit on trams or the wonderful fifteen minuet screeching service they provide, but when I go to a mountain, I want to climb it. I don't care if I get like, bitten by a snake, or like, fall off,because that's just what's been dealt to me in the game of climbing godamn mountains.
Is thrill a good enough reason to seek something like this? Maybe. People have died over lesser things.
So while everyone (A.K.A five kids and a teacher) was enjoying the lovey view, I was semi-pissed off. It robbed me of the experience, man. So I wandered off to climb a cliff in a forein country. There was the initial hill with the tram service and the resatraunt and the chapel and the nice veiw and everyone and their grandmother taking pictures, BUT there was a second hill ajacent to the first, and I felt like I was duty bound to climb down and climb back up.
Apparently, I took the "really difficult route" according to the Americans and the one Belgian drinking at the top. There was nothing but rusty rebar and I as I grappled up the sheer face. Mt face was beet red and I was covered in multiple injuries, but I made it. The evening sun hit my face, and I got the front row seats to the best sunset in the world- A glorious Greek sunset.
There were stairs on the other side. They had been there the whole time. Whatever, right? The major point is, I found two euros and a magic seashell (It's totally magic) on that cliff, and also some seriously good landscape photos.
I want to climb more mountains in the future. Taller ones. Shorter ones. Any elevated surface will do for the thrill, essentially.
It was pretty sweet, just be more careful next time