If you had asked me before I started college if I was thinking about joining a sorority, I probably would have laughed in your face. I probably would have responded with a snarky comment about not needing to pay for my friends, and I probably would have shrugged off any of your advice to give it a shot. And I definitely did not know how wrong I was about all of that.
I joined a sorority in the spring semester of my freshman year and never looked back. I was looking for a way to branch out from my small group of friends at my school, and Greek life gave me that and so much more. It has already shaped my college years for so many reasons.
To start, Greek life gave me friends. Go ahead and throw the stereotypical “you pay for your friends” at me, I don't care. I love my sisters. I never would have met these amazing girls if I hadn't rushed, and I wouldn't have as big of a support system at school without them. And another plus: I now have friends of all years, not just in my class.
And with my new friends, came lots of stuff for me to do both on and off campus. I love my campus, but I often find myself bored if it’s not a night to go out. Greek life gave me a way of having activities to do on all different days of the week, and the attendance policy doesn't add any pressure to it, I actually want to go to these things. Between meetings, sisterhood events and philanthropy events, I always have an excuse to hang out with my sisters. It’s a win-win. Even when there aren't any sisterhood events planned, there are always sisters to just hang out (and get food) with.
But being in Greek life isn't all fun and games. Being in Greek life has taught me so many different levels of responsibility, both firsthand and secondhand. It’s so amazing to watch our chapter meetings run so smoothly while being completely run by college students! Who would have thought that a group of 80 girls could work together so well?
On the other hand, being on a committee showed me the responsibilities that come along with helping make an organization run smoothly. Oh, and it let me get to know the sisters on my committee even better. Another win-win.
Another huge way that joining Greek life has shaped my college years is that it opened up philanthropy events for me. I was looking for a way to get more involved with the community without having to attend weekly community service, and now I get to participate in a bunch of different philanthropy events. Between bake sales, book drives and going to hang out with kids at the children’s home, just one semester of philanthropy makes me feel even more connected to the community surrounding my campus.
While Greek life is not for everyone, it was definitely the right choice for me. I have met so many amazing girls, and I can’t wait to meet even more in the years to come. I can't wait for all of the opportunities that will open up to me once I’m an alumna of my organization!
Bottom line: Don’t knock Greek life ‘til you try it. You never know just how much those girls (or boys!) will affect your life.