The darkness howled as he stumbled his way across the streets in the cold night. His clothes were in tears and stained from head to toe. His hair was greasy and hadn't been cleaned for at least a few days. The bags under his eyes suggested he had not gotten any sleep either. From a first moment's glance, he looked like a homeless man.
But this man had an incredible backstory.
He didn't live a simple life like most of us do. No, he lived a glamorous life filled with such privilege and rewards. His parents were wealthy beyond belief, and so the wealth would eventually grow onto himself as well. His closet held hundreds of pairs of shoes and shirts worth more than the house he lived in. He dressed as if he were a movie star, with shades and all. Some would call him lucky enough to be blessed with such an opportunity of not having to work as hard as others. Many would take the amount of money he had and be productive with it.
He had the golden girlfriend and was starting his first year of college. It seemed as if his life was actually perfect; he had achieved perfection because there it was, in flesh and bone.
But he wanted more. Like all humans, we always crave more. We need to constantly innovate ourselves and top each other in anything. We're always at a constant change, engaging in battles with one another.
He became greedy.
He cheated on his girlfriend twice, hooking up with many other girls because he wanted more. She eventually found out and left him, and took a lot of his money with her. He didn't do anything of course because he always had more money. That mentality would sooner or later be his demise. His horrible spending habits caught up with him and he procured loads of credit card bills and splurged on material goods that would just stay in his closet for years with the tags still attached. His parents finally said enough was enough and cut him off.
It all just went downhill from there on. He dropped out of college and spiraled into alcoholism. His car was stolen because he was so drunk one night that he carelessly left his keys hanging on the car door. His parents scolded him for his new lifestyle and kicked him out too, saying he needed to sober up before he could come home.
And now here he was, shivering and alone, forced to wander the streets in search of a temporary sanctuary. He had learned the hard way that money could not buy everything in life. There is one important quality of life that you cannot buy, and that is your individual happiness.