New beginnings. The word begin means to start, so the literal meaning is a new start. Every day is a new beginning because you “start” every day. It's an opportunity to change something about yourself, your routine, your environment or your thoughts. These opportunities can come in big ways though. A life-changing event causes an individual to begin new. Maybe you move to another city or state and reinvent yourself. Maybe you move to the other side of town, meet new friends and begin a new chapter of your life. Perhaps you decide to change schools, jobs, hobbies. Anything that changes your scenery can be the next beginning in your life.
Imagine for a moment the first time a big event happened in your life and you decided to start fresh. This big event can be the loss of a friend due to a rumor or moving around the world. Whatever your event may be, it caused you to look at life from a different pair of glasses. At this you figured that you should change yourself to fit your new perspective of life.
Someone recovering from a dark spot on their record might move states to get a fresh start on life. A young adult might branch out into a different community than the one they grew up in to have a new beginning and make a name for themselves, instead of being known for their family.
Let’s put this into perspective. In college, freshmen especially have an amazing opportunity to start new. Become confident instead of shy and show their intellect or athleticism. Those who have been bullied now see a way to express themselves for a change. No one knows who you are or what you’ve done in your past. This is your chance to be the version of you that you want. It is such an exhilarating and amazing chance to be given that those who pass it up have to be completely content with themselves.
The most awesome part of new beginnings is the greatest beginning of them all. The one fresh start that completely decimates all others is the one that the Lord gives us. Literally being taken under water to wash our sins and come up out of it all as a different person, a better person than when we went under is mind blowing. We have the chance to do away with all of the junk from our past. We don’t have to be chained to it anymore. The best part is, it’s a free gift, no strings attached. The greatest opportunity to make yourself a better person is staring you in the face. All you have to do is reach out and grab it with your heart, soul and mind.
Every day we are presented with the most amazing chance to change your outlook on life, our attitude on life, our entire future and we don’t do anything with it. So faced with the greatest opportunity of your life, what would you do? Do you take it and run with it? Or do you sit there and wonder, “what if?”