The Greatest Movie Of The Year Has Finally Hit Theaters | The Odyssey Online
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The Greatest Movie Of The Year Has Finally Hit Theaters

The minions are back.

The Greatest Movie Of The Year Has Finally Hit Theaters

Last Friday, those adorable yellow creatures that speak gibberish and cover virtually any kind of merchandise available for purchase arrived in theaters with their very own story. This Despicable Me prequel brought in big money -- a whopping $46.2 million on opening day according to

Minions has already been so successful that it is not only expected to beat Inside Out's numbers, but it may also snag Toy Story 3's position as the second best box office performer ever. All of this is great, but does the movie really deserve all the hype?

You bet your best pair of denim overalls it does!

Minions serves as a fun-filled, comedic history of these "knights in shining denim" (as Scarlet Overkill, the movie's main antagonist, calls them at one point). We see minions through time fulfilling their lives' primary goal -- finding a boss to serve.

Unfortunately, they bring demise to each leader they have until the minions resort to a frozen cave where they build their own little world. Life is all fun and games until they eventually fall into a depression brought on by the lack of direction in their life. A minion named Kevin soon steps up as the one who will bring purpose back to his comrades, and he is accompanied by two of his fellow tribe members, Stuart and Bob. This lovable trio begins on their trek, eventually ending up in 1968 New York City where the true journey begins.

Worried you'd be bored sitting amongst the kids to see Minions? Think the minions are mere "bulbed, jaundiced children" that you seemingly cannot escape? Have no fear! It is nearly impossible for even the hardest person not to crack a smile or two (or a hundred) during the movie. Minions is for all ages to not only enjoy, but laugh at, gasp at, "ooh" and "ahh" at! Adults, you may appreciate it even more for the references the kiddies won't understand. This along with the classic minion silliness will put you in for 91 crazy, amusing, and comical minutes.

This movie's music is one reason I loved it so much. I'm a total classic rock junkie, and the soundtrack is chock full of this era's anthems, with tracks from The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Kinks, The Who, The Beatles, and more!

The music didn’t act as mere background noise; it had purpose and was placed in pivotal moments of the movie. I always had faith that Minions would leave me satisfied, but when I heard "19th Nervous Breakdown" as Kevin, Stuart, and Bob came into New York City, I knew for sure that it would be fantastic.

Getting into the secret villain's convention proved to be a task only few could succeed in, and, when the minions and their new friends accomplished this, "Break on Through" by The Doors (my all time favorite band) began to play, and the entrance was unveiled. Right at the end of this entertaining adventure, our protagonists meet and immediately fall goggles over heels for a new boss, and "Got to Get You Into My Life" by The Beatles begins while we sit in awe of the wonderful movie we just watched.

Leaving the movie theater after seeing Minions, I popped a few minion-themed TicTacs in my mouth as my minion keychain thumped softly against my dash in the car, and my thoughts drifted to being home where I could don my minion pajamas, sip from my minion-covered cup, and eat minion graham crackers from my minion plate.

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