The greatest show of all time has ended. What now shall we do? "New Girl" has been a part of my life for the past seven years. From the very first episode when Jess moved into the loft I fell in love with every single character and each of their perfectly crafted personalities. It truly is the end of an era.
Liz did an outstanding job on writing the last season, capturing every little detail of why "New Girl" has become a part of our lives. I don't think there was a single episode that I didn't at least tear up in and I lol'ed in each one.
"New Girl" will forever be remembered and binge-watched (I mean I've already watched the series 5 times through). "New Girl" will forever be my go-to, and with that being said here are all the greatest pieces of "New Girl" that made it feel like family the past see years:
1. Jess standing up to Spencer and moving in with a bunch of guys.
Ok, this is like the whole show, but through standing up to her cheating ex an getting all her stuff it got Jess of that couch and began the growth of Jess into the strong hilarious feminist Jess that we see in season 7.
2. Jess's constant singing.
"I'm doing sexy things with a pillow. I'm doing sexy stuff to the plant. I'll pick that up laaterrrrr."
3. All of the episode "Naked."
Just go watch it. Trust me.
4. Comparing your friend group to the "New Girl" cast.
"Wait who's the Jess? well, I sing all the time and talk about my feelings all the time, and cry when I see a puppy so I'm Jess...who are you Winston or maybe Cece? No, you're Nick!"
5. Schmidt's undying love for Cece and just their whole relationship.
I cried at their first time holding hands and their engagement and all the way through their wedding.
6. Tran.
Nick's silent bestie who has some sort of telepathy powers in communicating with Nick. The loft member hilariously carries on full onesided conversations with Tran throughout the series causing Nick to realize some pretty important things.
7. The development of Jess and Nick's relationship.
In every show, there's that one on and off couple that you just want to scream at to stay together and ours is Jess and Nick. They started out on rough terms when Nick was annoyed with her feeling-filled, bubbly, singing personality, but he eventually fell in love with every little bit of her.
8. True American.
I mean duh...what would "New Girl" be without this absurd, mysterious, patriotic drinking game.
9. Winston's color blindness.
Winston doesn't realize until he's in his thirties that he is color blind, but in season 7 Winston gets to see color for the first time.
10. Coach
Coach is such a cute and cuddly hardass. Seeing him love on the kids at the school Jess got him a job at and the formation of his friendship with Jess made everyone just fall in love with this hunk.
11. All the boyfriends.
Spencer and Russell and Sam and Robby and Ryan and Shivrang and Paul Genzlinger and Buster.
12. All the girlfriends.
Caroline and Reagan and Elizabeth and Shelby and Fawn and Kai and Daisy and Julia and Bertie and Angie and Amanda.
13. The classic Winston-Cece mess-around.
Just classic.
14. Schmidt's pronunciation.
Winston: "Hey Schmidt why don't you tell her about all the things you love about India."
Schmidt: "...The stories of Roger Kipling, I have respect for cows of course. I love uh the Taj Mahal, Deep Op Chopra, anyone named Patel, I love monsoons. I love cobras in baskets, Vivian Andrews. I love mango chutney really any type of chutney..."
15. Jess and Cece's passive aggressivity.
We've all had arguments like theirs.
16. Winstons pranks.
Liz fulfilled our happiness and gave us one last Winston prank. He pranked the Jess and Nick into thinking they were being evicted and posted his face on their moving truck. Though it was still too big, it was the perfect trick to finish out the series as the squad relived their memories and moved on to make new ones in their new families and homes.
17. Prince.
Prince was the greatest "New Girl" episode of all time (don't @ me on this). It was the perfect way for us to experience the real Prince before he passed shortly after. The hilarity of this episode mixed with Prince's feature made for the best all-around episode.
18. Drunk Nick.
I don't think I've ever laughed harder than when watching a scene where Nick is drunk.
19. Nick and Schmidt's bromance.
The amount of love that Schmidt needs from Nick is unhealthy, but it fuels the bromance that honestly we ship the most out of anyone on the show.
20. Anytime anyone got high.
Jess high is definitely a fan favorite and the writers blessed us with another high Jess scene in the last season, but one of the highlights of the entire show was Nick and Cece high.
21. The Douchbag Jar.
The jar kind of disappeared after 3 seasons but some of the greatest things Schmidt has said resulted in money in the jar.
22. Jess and Cece's girls.
Jess and Cece's main girls, Sadie and Nadia, brought hilarity and female comradery to the show Sadie ironically being a lesbian gynecologist and Nadia being an inappropriate Russian model brought some great laughs.
23. Fire and ice.
Iconic Winston and Coach = warm water.
24. Flashbacks.
Fat Schmidt, high nick, giggly awkward Jess, young and still perfect Cece, and high pitched voice Winston.
25. Winston and Aly.
After seeing Winston date many many random girls throughout the show, Aly just fits and she makes him so happy and that makes me so happy.
26. Cece.
We met Cece in the first five minutes of the pilot as she eggs Jess on in showing up at the house in a trench coat and nothing else and at that moment I was already comparing my best friend and I to her and Jess. She's the friend who is always there for Jess and she and Schmidt are just meant for each other and they make the cutest babies!
27. Schmidt.
Schmidt keeps me laughing, but if I was one of his friends I don't think I could handle his dramatic self. He is just so cringe-worthy, but he makes the show. His character developed from a hoe to the best stay at home dad and husband.
28. Jess.
Jess is such an optimistic singing butterfly, and she cares so deeply about everyone. She's someone that I want to be like. She's hilarious and gorgeous and just Jess.
29. Nick.
Nick Miller Nick Miller. The grumpy feelingless Nick turns his life around from a bartender avoiding his bills to a successful writer. His love for Jess is so apparent from the beginning and they make me so happy. Drunk Nick leaves me on the floor can't breathe laughing and I am just going to panic moonwalk away from this one before I cry.
30. Winston.
Winnie the Bish. I don't think a TV character has ever made me laugh so much. I am a sucker for his goofiness, one-liners, and randomness. The chemistry he has with each character makes me want to have him as my bestie. To my saddest goodbye, I love ya Brown Lightning.
This show will always be on our screens. It's quotable quotes will always be in our mouths, and these characters will always be in our hearts. New Girl, I love you, forever.