Mom you are, without a doubt, the greatest mom ever. And I'm not just saying that because you're my mom. I’m saying it because it’s true.
Everything you do for us as a family is beyond what is ever needed. You’ve worked hard to give Reece and I everything we've ever wanted and all that you do is for him and I.
You never take a moment out of your day to do something for yourself and that is the most selfless thing anyone could do.
I am beyond proud everyday to call you my mom because of all the things you've faced in your life. You’re a trooper and I know that if it were me, I don't think I would be able to do half the things you do and be successful at it.
You’re strong because you took care of Reece and I all alone when dad was on deployment.
You’re strong because of the sorrow you have faced in you life like losing your dad and others that you love.
You’re strong because of the new health choices you’re making even though it’s really hard.
You’re strong because you’re you and that is who you are.
Thank you for being strong and being able to teach me how to be a strong women.
I hope one day, I can be half the woman and mom that you are and if I come close to being that kind of woman, I’ll be grateful for that.
I love you.