If you aren't a MIP kid this article will bore you, but if you are it will make you reminisce our amazing first year. If you are considering joining this fabulous family this may either push you away or give you some insight.
1.Music professors like tight pants…
First term, Survey of the Recording Industry, every day we would walk into class with professor “Bob” in the tightest pants ever. My friend and I even spent an hour on Amazon looking for some MC Hammer pants to buy him.
2. There are 2 parts to every copyright
Thanks to Marc in 10 weeks I have learned 1 thing. Now yes, I learned some other things in my Copyrights class, but none will top there are 2 parts to every copyright. Ask any Class of 2019 student what they remember most from winter term and they will tell you this.
3. Philly Folk Fest is life
Rich and Jesse the dynamic duo that book Philly Folk Fest. You can never get away from it, it is everywhere. Once you walk out of Live Music Industry you think you’ll never hear about it again, but you are sadly mistaken.
4. 75% of everything is crap
Yes, I have said this in previous articles, but this is the best quote I have ever heard. The pure bluntness and truth to it are amazing.
5. T on the mic
We all know T is the best professor in the MIP and the best rapper to exist. We all took recording class and were blessed with T on the mic. The one class we talked about microphones and voice recording. I went on to write T's first single, sadly it will never see the light of day, but its fire.
6. Music Theory
If you don't know Han, then your life is missing a part. He is both Marty McFly and that drunk uncle you love.
8. Introduction to Digital Design
A class where very few students knew what we were doing. Countless hours in URBN trying to figure out how to make the fade on a cartoon ninja just right. We loved our teachers, but the class was a drag.
9. Our Professors
From Marty McFly, fan girl Schwabe, Bruce, and nice Dana, the professors we have had freshman were the best. The content may have put us all to sleep, but the people teaching us were infinitely better.
10. Being Drexel MIP Fam members
There is nothing better than being a MIP kid at Drexel. The work is fun, the hours are long, but we love it unconditionally. I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else. You, crazy people, have made my life amazing!
Let us go on conquer sophomore year! Go Dragons!