Wait, What?
You wake up a little after noon, its a Saturday. You lay starring at the ceiling remembering last night's rushed Bob Ross Halloween costume and the haunted house. You try to remember how many slices of the pizza you had left and look over to see if the box is anywhere near by. After locating the box and accepting the distance isn't worth the effort you notice your phone is flashing at you. After checking your messages you realize your two best friends have just recently woken up and their group chat text woke you. They want to go get food before the place closes for lunch. You roll out of bed, throw on a flannel shirt, slide on your trusty slippers, and head downstairs to meet your buds and get some food. All three of you shuffle over and end up with plates full in a booth. You look up from your plate at the two people sitting with you.
Just starring straight at them. You know them. You know where they're from, what they plan on majoring in, their family life, a few notable events from their past, the hobbies they've taken up in college, and when they're free on weekdays. You've known these people for roughly 10 weeks. You couldn't imagine your day without talking to these two, but you also barely know them. It hits you.
What you spent so long attempting to do in elementary school, middle school, and high school you've just managed to accomplish in less that a week in college. You made friends. Actual friends. Not just people you have classes with or someone you're rooming with. You stay up talking about your feelings with these people! You three worry about each other and team up to help make the other's day better! It's only been a little over two months and you three have already been through a lot. You've helped each other handle homesickness and motivation issues. You guys are really friends. Despite the short amount of time you've known each other or the huge number of events you missed in their lives, you're there for them. You can tell by a comment or a look in their eye if something is bothering them, if they didn't get enough sleep, or if they're hungry. Holy crap, you have friends.
The server is being shut down?