"We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive." - C.S. Lewis
We all go through seasons in life, more or less drastic for each individual, but the common denominator we all will face is, "Change." Now change, I believe, can be simplified into two ideologies: a state of mind or regarded as natural or supernatural. Before I explain my beliefs, I want to address the similarities that we all face sooner or later in life about change. Change, at first, is uncomfortable, unorthodox, and unappealing, but change is also necessary for growth, to sustain character. Embracing change, despite circumstances and life's inevitable pains and joys, can be a stepping stone towards the right path.
Consider a flower in a field, it is elegant in all of its splendor and vibrant petals, yet it never started at the apogee. In order for the flower to grow it needs light, oxygen, water, balanced temperatures, good soil, and support. Sufficient growth to embrace change takes time and intentionality. Notice I mentioned support with the flower illustration. A vital part of change is support. Nobody was made to walk in this world alone, sure independence is also necessary to sustain growth for survival, but there is an extant to each human being that values withdrawal from the world. Nobody enjoys isolation for extended periods of time (unless it is therapeutic for restoring one's mind and soul), rather, there is a pact instinct to surround oneself among others that creates a sense of acceptance, healthy bonds of camaraderie, circles that each one of us share; some larger circles, some smaller, and some that overlap. Recalling our flower illustration, picture two roses; one has plenty of healthy petals flowing with dew drops, a fresh crimson red shade, thorns that run along the stem, and a contour of artistic beauty, and the other, wilted and bearing less petals, void of color, thorn-less, and unable to stand up. Both roses strike a similitude, in that both are under the classification of flowers, in addition, both are bound by creation metaphysics. Everything sensibly, has a beginning and an end, an alpha and an omega, a life and a death. One can ponder the possibilities and unravel life's mysteries that are offered to delve into.
Now, as far as my beliefs on change, I mentioned that it is represented as a state of mind or a natural or supernatural response. I want to start by advising that, there is no right or wrong answer for my beliefs on change and I hope that my stand is not superior to that of what others sense to be applicable, rather I encourage an understanding of perspective, to challenge people to strive towards positive change.
Change as a state of mind, involves a reflection of oneself to perceive that anything is possible for an individual or even a group of individuals to undergo a "cause and effect" event. Say, when event "A" occurs to person "A," it results in change "A," but when event "B" occurs to person "A," it can either/or result in change "A/B." This conundrum of ideology can be flawed because of the infinite equations of events, persons, and/or changes that can occur. To simplify this clause, anything goes and everything and everyone has a reason for its happenings, but it is not necessarily your job to find those reasons, preferably it is best to continue marching forward with the change you have today.
Natural and supernatural change to my candor has its obstacles, but I believe that both coincide with the pathway to change. I believe that God ordained everything in its path which is life and that everything and everyone indeed contribute a verse to this poetic masterpiece, which bounces miraculous changes to individuals. What matters in life is not the materialistic value of earthly possessions, but the spiritual journeys that enables necessary changes to take root in individuals.
I believe it is time to make that pivotal one-eighty degree turn towards the right path, if indeed life is drifting off course. Embrace the transition you may be dealing with, regardless of what curve-balls life throws at you, and let be the truth that shall set you free. I'm changing as I write this article, and so are you as you are reading this, so what's your season look like now?