As a New Englander, the Holiday Season is the only thing we have to look forward to as the weather gets cripplingly cold, we get actual colds, we started bulking on the pounds to avoid being cold, and all we can think and talk about other than the holidays is how cold it is outside. So maybe this is why people get so up in arms over Thanksgiving not getting its time in the lime light before Christmas steps in. Maybe people want to be able to squeeze everything they can out of Thanksgiving before we inevitably do this to Christmas. This article will highlight the amazing parts of both holidays so you can decide for yourself if we are celebrating Christmas too prematurely.
1. The Food!!!
2. Football
3. Parades
4. No Gifts to Buy
5. Long Weekend
Not only do you get Thanksgiving off, but most people get Friday off too! Time to unwind, go black Friday shopping, or my favorite #OptOutside.
1. The Music
2. The Gift Giving and Receiving
3. Also has Great Food!
4. The Decorations
5. Traditions of Cutting Down a Tree
6. Cookie Making
7. Excitement of Children
8. Snow (if we're lucky)
9. Decorating the Tree With Your Family
10. Christmas Movies
There are many great things about both Holidays, however, there are many more things to do around Christmas to enjoy with your family and friends. I will always be excited for Thanksgiving, but nothing compares to that feeling of waking up on Christmas.