Me to the great encompassing mystery-
"You who has this spinning ball of a world in his palm,
The one who put the ocean behind a glass wall,
and breathed the waves into motion.
The one that is more faithful than the rising sun,
and more sure then the moon and stars that light the darkness.
You who gives orders to the morning sky
and assigns a place for dawn, grabbing the earth by its edge.
Who has gone to the springs in the sea,
or walked through the valleys of the ocean depths?
Who can direct me to the place where light lives,
or where the home of darkness is,
so I may find it's territory and know the path to its home?
Where can I find the one who fills my heart with wisdom,
and floods my mind with understanding.
Who is this great one who commands the ocean waves,
'You may come this far but no further. Here your proud waves will stop.' "
The great encompassing mystery speaks-
"Search for me in the secrecy of the shadow,
and in the piercing rays of the dawn.
I am not far. I am here. I am there.
Feel me in every drop of rain that kisses your face,
Feel my embrace when the breeze passes through your hair.
When the wind wakes the leaves of the trees,
and hear the stream rattle a little louder,
That's Me! I am there calling to your deep."