We live in a time where everyone is always looking to the next best thing, and nine times out of 10 that has to do with technology. With new technologies such as the Apple Watch coming out, people are getting more and more into communicating via technology rather than in person. Everything we do comes out of convenience for ourselves. Whether it's answering emails in bed or shooting someone a text because we don't feel like talking on the phone – a lot of our interests have turned to avoiding human interaction.
If your friends are anything like mine, you might joke about how much you hate interacting with people or how you look for new ways of getting out of plans to watch Netflix for hours. I am most definitely not against Netflix by any means, but just take a minute and think about how much time you have spent staying in for Netflix when you could be spending time with friends or family members. It's a scary thought.
The young adults down to toddlers right now are almost consumed by electronics. I was shocked when I saw a two-year-old flawlessly working an iPad to play games, meanwhile I'm still trying to teach my mother how to silence her phone.
With technology taking over, people are relying on it to communicate. This isn't necessarily a bad thing because it can be used to talk to family members or friends that live far away or get in touch with someone when you need an immediate answer. However, think of how many times that you replaced seeing someone with a sweet, thoughtful text message or a five minute phone call.
You are constantly seeing people text, Facebook, or Instagram posts of them missing their family or friends, but are seeing less of people actually being with those people they claim to miss. We've become so immersed in Snapchatting, texting, and even FaceTiming people rather than actually getting up out of our Netflix caves to go and see them.
How many times have you thought or said, "I really want to go, but I am just incapable of getting out of bed right now." When in actuality, you are fully capable of getting out of your bed but are just too lazy to get up and get dressed to partake in whatever plans/activity your friends are doing.
Technology is one of the greatest things to happen for mankind; assisting in the medical field, allowing people to communicate despite their location, making information on basically anything readily available, and so much more. However, as great as it is, your family and friends are even greater. So, next time the great debate of isolation vs. human interaction comes up for you, maybe consider leaning in favor of human interaction. You might just end up having fun and making some memories that last a lifetime.