A common saying around colleges is it’s a great day to be at ______ *insert schools mascot* At Endicott College the saying is “it’s a great day to be a Gull”. Here are the times when it truly is a great day to be a gull.
When Doc buys everyone coffee @ Einstein's
You know it is going to be a good day when you go to Einstein's and Doc is there to pay for your coffee; it really is a great day to be a gull. You cherish that coffee for dear life like it is your first born child.
When There Is No Card Swiper at Cally
Those mornings you go to Cally and Maryanne is not in to swipe your card so you get a free meal and can afford to eat another meal later that day, those days are clutch.
When you luck out and do not get stuck in the Bayview-Marblehead-Stoneridge wind tunnel
The days from Fall to Spring when you walk back to your room during the rare moments that the wind tunnel is not trapping you and making it impossible for you to see to avoid getting hit by a car.
Find parking in the closest lot to your dorm
This is a common rare occurrence but you really are a lucky gull when you find parking near your dorm and do not have to walk from the other side of campus to get to your dorm.
When you find parking in solar during a snow emergency
It is like the purge on campus once a snow emergency is called. Everyone speeds to get their car to solar so they do not have to move their car for the plows. When you are one of those lucky students who finds a spot you are one of the kids on campus that everyone envies. You are one of the lucky students that will not be doing this...
When the rare snow day gets called and you are not forced to go outside during a snow blizzard
The days that a snow day gets called are actually few and far between. When the days happen you best take advantage of it, to catch up on work or to do absolutely nothing, but you better make the best of it.