Why You Need To Binge The Great British Baking Show On Netflix, Like, Yesterday | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Need To Binge The Great British Baking Show On Netflix, Like, Yesterday

Before you know it, you're through each episode of every last season and are buying Paul Hollywood's baking utensils on Amazon.

Why You Need To Binge The Great British Baking Show On Netflix, Like, Yesterday

Netflix contains lots of gems for shows that you could binge over and over again, but one, in particular, stands out the most. The Great British Baking Show is a baking competition between amateur bakers and is probably the most entertaining baking show ever.

This is coming from someone who discovered Zumbo's Just Desserts beforehand. Zumbo's Australian baking show is parallel to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory goodies if that gives you any idea as to how intense their challenges are. This show was amazing just to see how in the world amateurs finagle desserts that, for example, float out of thin air.

But the Great British Baking Show is vastly different. You wouldn't even really know it was a competition because everyone is so friendly.

In Zumbo's, everyone is making snide comments about other contestants and is hoping they fail, but in the GBBS, they literally help them and share their things with one another. How sweet is that?

In the GBBS, they have 3 challenges per round: the signature challenge, the technical challenge, and the show-stopper challenge.

The signature challenges are designed for the contestants to showcase some recipes they are familiar with and have often made for friends and family. The contestants have a chance to even work on their recipe during the week before so they can perfect it before that day.

During the second challenge, these people go in totally blind. One of the judges will pick one of their own special recipes and the contestants are supposed to follow their recipe and make it the best they can. But there's a catch: they aren't given the full recipe. This means they have to use whatever baking-intuition they have to either figure out how long something has to set in the oven, or even how the end design is supposed to look.

The showstopper challenge is meant for the contestants to show off their skills and talents. They are allowed to prepare for this challenge like they were able to for their initial signature challenge. This one really has to wow the judges by the end of the day.

At the end of this day, and after the showstopper challenge, the judges decide who has to go home. They take into account how everyone did during each challenge, how they're progressing, and if they see potential in them to do better.

It's always hard to see your favorites sitting low on the totem pole and even being taken out of the competition, but it's also hard to not get caught up in these people's lives. It's almost like you're there in Britain with them.

Before you know it, you're through each episode of every last season and are buying Paul Hollywood's baking utensils on Amazon because you just can't get enough of GBBS. Right, mom? Sorry to call you out. But I'm right there with ya.

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