There has been a very serious, on-going fight in my house.
The fight over which Grease is better. My father believes the original should be the one and only, while I believe the original Grease doesn't even hold a candle to the second one.
My reasoning for this has been thought through time and time again. I have perfected my argument so well that I believe it could hold up in the court of law.
To me, Grease 2 is a feminist icon of a movie — if you've never seen it, it's basically the same as the original only it's reversed.
Micheal is an exchange student from Australia who falls for Stephanie, the cool leader of the pink ladies. Sound familiar? Yeah, it's pretty much the same movie with some better twist.
Stephanie is someone I honestly looked up to when I was younger. She knew exactly who she was and never felt the need to change herself, especially for a man.
She wore a cool leather jacket, which I instantly made my mother buy me, she kept her cool at all times and had one kick-ass musical number explaining that if it took forever to find the guy she deserved she was going to wait forever.
Grease 2 had musical numbers that anyone could love. Go listen to the reproduction right now, it will change your life.
I truly believe that this move shaped who I am today. It showed me exactly the woman I wanted to be when I grew up.
I live every day the way Stephanie would, I stay true to who I am and never change for anyone — especially some loser boy named Danny who was mean at a pep rally just to seem cool for his friends, looking at you sandy.