As I look into the abyss, my legs are already burning, and the feeling is only intensified by the summer heat. The sky is overcast, and the air feels clear and heavy like a storm is about to begin. Although it is summer, it has not felt like it at all.
My summer has been consumed with class, work, and preparing for the coming semester. With all of these thoughts swirling in my mind, it has been challenging to not get caught up in everything that needs to be done, and all of the things that need to be done leave a feeling of impending doom, just like the storm lurking overhead.
However, it is easy to forget where you are if you continually look up while nervously contemplating what could happen, and in this moment, I have the opportunity to enjoy Tallulah Gorge and its surroundings. With both the recent and upcoming rain, the water is roaring past the rocks below, and the mountains around are nearly completely covered in green from the trees soaking up the summer sun.
It is astounding to watch the way nature still thrives, despite the lack of rain and unbearable heat. Day by day, things have gone on, and nature has been doing just that for thousands of years now.
After about 700 stairs, a suspension bridge reaches across the Gorge. The river roars below, and the bridge swings gently side-to-side in perfect timing with my footsteps. The river goes on further than I can see, just like the 1,200 stairs leading up towards the sky. Although I can’t see the top of the stairs or the end of the river, I know they must end somewhere.
Each ending holds the beginning to a new adventure, containing new peaks and challenges. However, the beauty lies in the small moments of contentment and thankfulness along each journey. Gratitude can be realized in the kindness of friends and the support of family while venturing into the unknown.