Every year around Thanksgiving we are reminded of how blessed we are. It’s a time to truly appreciate the things we normally take for granted. We are accustomed to things that other people could not even fathom. There are people out there in the world that are incapable of waking up and being able to say they are comfortable in their own bed. We take advantage of the things we do every day, never acknowledging that there are people out there that can only dream of these things.
That is why I want to take the time to truly acknowledge the things I have been blessed with.
This year I am thankful for:
My family, for being my backbone, being there whenever I need them, and loving me unconditionally.
My friends, for always knowing how to make me laugh.
My boyfriend, for allowing me to be my true self, and not caring if I am a little weird.
My dogs, for being super cute and for being so fluffy.
My church, for giving me some of the most supportive and genuine people I have ever encountered.
My ability to learn. Unlike many people, I am able to go to school and get an education.
The myriad of ways I am able to fill my stomach. Especially now, I am grateful I am able to feed myself.
Having a place I can call home. Even though I am at school the majority of the year, I still have somewhere to go to when I want to go home.
My ability to make a difference. Rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen, I am capable of doing something with my life.
Being able to laugh at myself. I know I am not perfect, and instead of dwelling on the mistakes I have made, I know how to move on and realize it is apart of life.
Being in a better state of mind. I have struggled in the past with how I view myself, but with the help of friends, family and my boyfriend I have learned to love who I am.
My ability to work for what I have. Instead of relying on my parents to supply everything I have, I work and can provide myself with those things.
My good health. If I was not healthy, I would not be able to do half of the things I am capable of.
My ability to forgive. I no longer feel the need to keep hatred in my heart for people who have hurt me. I know how to forgive and move on, as well as learn to love those people.
Being able to use my voice. I am able to write and present my thoughts and emotions publicly in a way that many people are unable to. Without my voice, I wouldn’t be me.
All of the gifts that I have been granted. Even if I do not necessarily use them all of the time, I am still grateful that I have received them, and I am still capable of using them when I would like to.
My ability to travel. Traveling is something I absolutely adore. I love seeing new places and meeting new people, and I have been blessed to have been able to do much of this. I have been places and seen things I never would have imagined and I will forever keep those memories in my heart.
The love I have in my heart. While sometimes it can be a curse, it is most definitely more abundantly a blessing.
There is so much more I have been blessed with, and undoubtedly more I am thankful for. Life is full of little blessings, it is just a matter of taking the time to look around and find them.