It has been six years since my dad married my stepmom, Bridget. I clearly remember the moment she won me over... “Kim, I was thinking we’d do a family trip to Disney this summer.”
From that day on, my stepmom has been one of my best friends.
I was already 14 years old when Bridget and my dad tied the knot, which may be why Bridget never tried to discipline me (not that I need discipline because I am obviously an angel). Bridget’s role in my life became one I never knew I needed – an adult who was more friend than parent. Up until that point, I had been content with going to my friends with my problems. There are some things you just cannot talk to your parents about. Yet as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, I found myself confiding in Bridget with my problems just as much as I confided in my friends. She never judges me, no matter what I do. She listens as well as my friends, but gives me advice that only an adult can give. I do not remember how or when it moment this woman was a stranger, and the next moment she was one of the most important people in my life.
Now, six years later, I cannot picture my life without her. She is always there for me and even convinced my dad to let me bring my kitten to the house for Thanksgiving. If you knew my dad, you would know how huge of a deal that is. She bought me tickets to see “Hamilton” on Broadway. She got me obsessed with drinking tea and watching the show “Jeopardy” every night. She treats me like a daughter. She also gave me two younger stepsisters.
Growing up, I was not only the youngest in my immediate family, I was also the youngest out of all the cousins, as well. I had no idea what it was like to be an older sister. At first, I was not sure I even wanted to be one. I was not aware of how incredible it is to have younger siblings. I also lucked out with getting two amazing younger sisters. Of course, we have fought. I bought a pack of my favorite Girl Scout Cookies once, hid them in my closet, went away for the weekend, returned and found all the cookies gone. A lot of passive-aggressive notes got slid under the door of my stepsister’s room that day.
With the exception of the Girl Scout Cookies incident, my stepsisters and I get along great. When I am on my way home from school, they are two of the first people I want to see. I love going to Barnes & Noble with them; I love going to the movie theater with them; I love staying in and watching movies with them. I get excited when I see a text from them on my phone while I am at school.
It was hard for me to actually type out the words “stepmom” and “stepsisters” when writing this because I honestly do not consider them anything less than family. Grace and Alexa are not my stepsisters, they are my sisters. Bridget is not my stepmom, she is my second mom and best friend. Six years ago, three new members were added to my family. Thankfully, all three of them fit in so easily with our craziness. People view divorce in such a negative light. Of course, not every situation is like mine. However, the divorce of my parents did not break my family, it actually strengthened my family and caused it to grow. So thank you, Bridget. Thank you, Lex. Thank you, Grace. I love you three very much.