I know Father's Day is a day specifically set aside to appreciate our leading male role models, and that there should really 365 days of gratitude. But you and I both know that doesn't always get to happen. So this Father's Day, I just want to thank you for the things I have been meaning to thank you for for years now.
1. Introducing me to sports.
Not pushing me, but allowing me to learn to love the game (and to only talk during the commercials)!
2. Killing an endless amount of bugs.
And for not laughing too much when I need you to take care of the crawly dudes.
3. Teaching me how to fall down, and how to get back up again.
4. For going on tampon runs.
Also for understanding that with four females in the house, avoiding talking about our lady problems is impossible. And for not giving us a hard time when Aunt Flo has come to visit, and we're crying over the cute auditions on America's Got Talent.
5. Teaching me how to drive. Thanks for teaching me to parallel park and handle the Beltway.
6. Showing me how to work hard.
You are most successful when you are doing something you love. Don't sell yourself short of your capabilities. For that matter, don't let anyone else treat like less than what you deserve.
7. Demonstrating how to win quarters - it's all in the wrist.
8. Reminding me to (try to) think with my brain and not with my heart.
9. For telling me "don't study too hard" at the end of every phone call. Life is dictated by more than just a test grade.
10. Teaching me to always stand up for what you believe in. Be proud of your opinions.
11. Showing me what real love looks like in the way you treat mom.
The way you show love to Mom will be emulated by whoever I end up with.
12. The way you respect my sisters' and my thoughts.
13. For becoming a true friend.
As I've gotten older I have gotten to appreciate you as more than a role model, but also as a confidant.
So Dad, thank you. Thank you for helping me to grow up into who I am today. Thank you for pushing me to be my best. Thank you for being you. You are the sane glue to our family when there is simply too much estrogen going around to make sense of anything. I cannot wait to continue to grow our relationship. You deserve a lifetime full of appreciation.
All my love,