Yes, I Am Dance Major And Yes, I Am Proud | The Odyssey Online
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Yes, I Am Dance Major And Yes, I Am Proud

I don't major in business or finance. I dance.

Yes, I Am Dance Major And Yes, I Am Proud
Jen Guy

I think of these thoughts during the day and then go back and write them down. I’m not sure why I do. Probably because it makes me not feel so alone. Maybe because one day I’ll have people read this and they won’t feel so alone.

Of course, we all have our own problems and insecurities, but we find peace with certain things that help us resolve our problems and accept our insecurities. These things are our passions. The things that keep us going when we feel like hope is gone. And as long as we have hope, there is still good in the world.

For me, moving and dancing is my passion. I love it. I can’t picture my life without it. It defines who I am. A dancer and an artist. Movement, choreography, and music are my life mediums. They give color and dimension to my empty canvas. It gives me a sense of direction and helps me feel grounded. Dance encourages me to question things in the most beautiful way. It has helped me find value in the intricacies of life and let go of any judgment or preconceptions I may have.

I love it. I guess it’s almost like I’m falling in love. I’m crazy about it. And that’s how I know everything will be okay because I know I have the passion in my heart that fuels me to do anything. Dance will always be there for me. It keeps me alive, feeds energy into my brain, and helps me rest my heart.

I finally feel like I’m finding my voice and I can openly say that dance has saved me because it is the one thing I have done for my own happiness. And I want to take the happiness it has brought me and teach the world and use it to heal.

And because I have the choice and ability to dance every day I am blessed. When I went on my service trip to Jamaica, I spent one day with this one little girl. Her disabilities prevented her from talking. We couldn’t even verbally interact with one another.

However, we connected on a level deeper than verbal. I spent my day walking with her, holding her hand, and sitting with her on my lap. When I went to walk her back at the end of the day, her knees locked and could not support herself.

I watched this little girl, only 5 years of age, literally lose her ability to walk. For the remainder of the trip, she needed to be carried because she could no longer walk and they did not have the medical resources to look further into what happened to her.

And they just left her. From that day on, I promised myself that I would never take a day of my life for granted. Whenever my body was feeling tired from dancing, I promised myself to keep going because she would never be able to. Ever since this day I never have taken dance for granted again and realized how important it really is to me.

Dance has taught me more than I thought it ever would. It has changed my outlook on life and it has been a gift. Dance has given me the creative outlet I need to release my stress. It has challenged me inside and out of the studio. I have not only found my artistic voice but established my values. Thank you, dance.

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