If you are a graphic designer or a graphic design student you will totally understand this infographic!
1. You hate Comic Sans the same way you love Helvetica.
If you use Comic Sans I CAN NOT be friends with you. And when in doubt use Helvectica!
2. You have a passion for communicating with others through powerful images.
This is one of the greatest things about being a artist in general. You get to make art that people could look at to get inspired or become emotional. Art is such a powerful thing, as well as design.
3. You hate excel but love illustrator.
I do not think I could explain my HATRED towards excel. It is so difficult to use and do things! There is too many numbers just give me Illustrator and I will make some graphs. Thank you very much!
4. You can’t go into a restaurant without judging the menu design.
I can not go in to a restaurant without judging the whole restaurant. From logo design, menu design to even the decor. When a restaurant has a nice design sense I feel better about eating there!
5. You spend all day brain storming.
I have spent many days brain storming and sketching for a big project. Sometimes I won't even use any of my ideas because by the next day I hate it already!
6. You dream of the day no one will make changes to your design.
This will never happen! From teachers, to art directors, to your clients everyone will change SOMETHING about your design.
7. You see CMYK and RGB like neo sees the matrix.
No explanation for this.
8. Your beer and wine choices are based on label design.
If I want to try something new I always get really cool beer labeled bottles so I can put them in my collection!
9. You own nothing but Apple products.
10. You drink too much caffeine.
There is no such things as too much caffeine. I love my coffee and redbull.
11. Your table is messed up from cutting on them all the time.
My desk has little scratches all over it and at school there are so many scratches on some tables. Especially in the graphic design room.
12. You are always sleepy because you work 24/7.
This is the one I can relate to the most. I could get so much sleep but still feel so tired all day everyday.
If any graphic designers understand let me know! I am always wanting to know who feels the same way as me. Check out my behance at https://www.behance.net/mdusenberry!