To The Grandparent Who Left All Too Early | The Odyssey Online
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To The Grandparent Who Left All Too Early

I was only 10 when you moved onto a better place, but you have never left my side.

To The Grandparent Who Left All Too Early
Carol Schell

July 20th, 2007 my life was altered much more than I knew at the time. It was the day you, Pop Pop, passed away.

I was 10 years-old at the time of your passing so I had a difficult time understanding the concept of death. When you are that young you don't understand the value of life, and your emotional and mental capacities aren't fully matured. Don't get me wrong, I was definitely sad when this all happened, but I couldn't feel the pain to the extent other family members or even friends did. I was just too young to understand.

As I have gotten older, I've grown and matured to better understand life. I've learned to understand just how much death can affect a person, family, and even community. You raised a wonderful family alongside your best friend/loving wife. When you left us it was felt by all.

Since the day you left us here on Earth I think our relationship has actually grown much stronger. As I have matured over the years I've learned to not only pray to God, but to you too. Since Grandma and I are so close, I wanted to get close to you as well. Any time I'm at church or just having an off day I think of you and it's like you are there for me.

There have been some pretty amazing times I've had in my life, and also some very low, dark points in my life too. Through them all I have felt your presence and you're love for me. You have truly become the angel I needed.

There isn't a day I don't wish you could still be here. There's a lot you have missed and will continue to miss in person, but I know you are watching us from above. Your spirit will always be with us and I intend to keep it alive. I'll tell my kids one day about their great-grandfather being a hard worker and very loving husband, father, and grandfather. I'll always remember the great memories I have of you.

Although I don't remember everything, I remember when you would give my brother and I $2 every time you visited. I remember how you'd sit out on our back porch for hours just munching away on snacks and watching us kids play. Although you had dentures you refused to wear them, but we grew to love your mumbling. And you'd always have your little, orange stress ball with you.

As the saying goes, when you find a heads up penny it means someone in heaven is thinking about you. For as long as I can remember, anytime I find a heads up penny I know it is you sending me that reminder that you are looking out for me. Just as of last year I found a small glass jar where I started to put only those pennies you sent me. Now, a year later, it is amazing to see just how much you have sent me those little signs of love throughout the year.

Pop Pop, even though you've officially been gone for over half of my life now, I will always love you and be your granddaughter. You will always be my guardian angel. It's unfortunate you had to leave us here on Earth so early, but I know you are up there hunting, fishing, and just loving life.

Never as kids did we think the time we have is so precious.

"A Grandfather holds his grandchild's hand for awhile, and their heart for a lifetime"

In loving memory of George J. Pavell Sr.

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