To my grandpa:
Today would have been your 79thbirthday. I know you're looking down at us and sending positive thoughts from above. We all know that you don't want any of us to be crying or to be sad. We just miss you a lot. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you or have a flashback of a memory that makes me smile. I wish Heaven had visiting hours because I'd be visiting you every day. I know that you're in a better place now and you're not in pain. But selfishly, I'd give anything for just one more day with you. One more minute. Even just one more hug. Saying goodbye is never easy, especially not when it's someone you care about so much.
There are so many memories you've been missing out on but you've sent me signs from above to show me that you are always with me. I wish you could be at my college graduation or when I got my law school acceptance letter this past summer. I know that you would be cheering me on as I walk across the stage to receive my diploma. But I know that you will be watching from up above with all of my other past relatives cheering me on, as I continue on this journey. I'm making you proud one day at a time.
For now, there is only one more thing I want you to know. I try my hardest to not be sad even though I miss you with all my heart. Today, on your first birthday in heaven, I've decided to celebrate you because I know I will eventually see you again. I hope heaven is everything they depict it to be. I hope it is beautiful, I hope you're not in pain, but most importantly I hope you're happy. Keep sending me signs, because you know I'm always on the look out for them.
Love Always,
Erica Hanna
Erica Hanna
Erica Hanna
Erica Hanna
Erica Hanna
Erica Hanna