In the days of our short-lived childhood, Grandmothers were known for baking and always smelling like pumpkin. They were the strong women who defended us against our evil parents and always kept us excessively well-fed when we went to stay with them for a weekend. We are currently, however, in the midst of a large- scale paradigm shift; grandmothers are beginning to dominate Facebook, and will not stop until us millenials are cleared from the platform altogether.
The stereotypical grandmother is no longer one who plays bingo or does aqua pilates in her free time; instead, Nanna prefers engaging in political banter via the internet or sharing various cat memes. To prove my point, I conducted a small experiment in which I posted a status as bait to see if my grandmother would have anything to say. As I suspected, she fell right into my trap.
Politics are just one of the many drugs that grandmas are hooked on. There is no greater talent possessed by a 60-80-year-old woman than the ability to recognize a quality meme. Some feature cuddly cats, some positive puns. Using these funny and relatable illustrations, Grandmas from Washington to Maine will continue to imperialize your entire Facebook feed.