It is that time of the year again: gifts hidden all over the house, the whisper of mystery filling the halls, decorations, crafts, and glitter galore — the season of Littles is upon us. You may not be welcoming a new Little directly into your family this year, but you certainly are welcoming something else new, something foreign, something more than just your Little. You’re receiving Grand Littles.
How can this be? Where has the time gone? Wasn’t it just the other day that you were nervously anticipating Reveal and praying that your Little loved you as much as you already loved her? You were the spotlight, the attention, the highlight of the season. But as time goes on and the unforgettable memories are made, you’ve slowly been kicked out of the limelight.
There are so many resources out there for Bigs. Advice columns and cover stories and Instagram accounts all dedicated to ensuring that you find the perfect Little and craft her Pinterest-perfect gifts. But where might I ask are the help guides for becoming a Grand Big? Where are the how-to’s and methods of acceptance for this stage of life? Having endured the past week as a now official Grand Big, I present to you the XXX Stages of Becoming a Grand Big, as told through the eyes of Jamie Lee Curtis.
Stage One: Excitement
You did it. You raised your Little right and now you can take a step back and admire her grace in picking her Little(s). You have so much to be proud of, and now the family name will be passed on to another awesome generation.
Stage Two: Worry
What if your Little forgets about you? What is going to happen when you aren’t the center of her world anymore? Will she remember who you are and all of those special times you shared? Will she still think you are cool? You go crawling back to your own Big for guidance as your Little-one flies from your nest.
Stage Three: Denial
Where did all that time go? Just the other day you were the youngest in the sorority and you were unconditionally doted on. Not only are you old but your college career is basically over. Now what? How do you even adult?
Stage Four: Self-Doubt
What if you are simply not good enough? What if your new Grand Littles don’t like you or think you are weird? What if you are out of style and not hip enough to hang? You suddenly find yourself becoming defensive and upset whenever someone even mentions sorority life.
Stage Five: Indifference
So what? Who cares if your Grand Littles don’t like you and your Little forgets all about you? You know you are awesome and you can roll with that.
Stage Six: Acceptance
In the end it will all work out. Your family will be perfectly strange in its own unique way and that is just fine. Your Little will eventually come running back to you when she has to become a Grand Big herself and the balance will be restored. That is, until you become a Great Grand Big next year.
Oh, brother.