Should Graffiti Be Considered Art Instead Of Vandalism? | The Odyssey Online
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Should Graffiti Be Considered Art Instead Of Vandalism?

What do you think about graffiti? Do you think it has the potential to change the world we live in?

Should Graffiti Be Considered Art Instead Of Vandalism?

Art doesn't have a specific definition, but for the sake of this article, we'll consider it to be “the expression of human skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpting, these works are to be appreciated for their beauty and emotional intensity.”

Today, graffiti is considered as a form of vandalism, not art, where graffiti artists vandalize properties such as walls, poles, telephone booths etc. Critics of graffiti artists only say what they perceive, they are not analyzing the beauty in the creation of graffiti. Graffiti artists are instead beaten up and arrested for articulating their feelings in the form of wall art, which is in turn necessary, as they express their thoughts and ideas in this liberal world.

Graffiti is not a contemporary trend. In fact, it is one of the oldest known art forms in the world. Graffiti has been found in ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian cultures. The earliest examples of graffiti was found in Indonesia, which was created by some cave dwellers.

Banksy, one of the celebrated graffiti artist known for making clever, funny, and sometimes political stencils and artworks all around the world, some of his work is showcased in museums and galleries.

His graffiti articulate vague expressions like giant rats clutching paint brushes or umbrellas; chimps wearing placards (“Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge”); children wearing gas masks or chasing after balloons that are floating away, bomb hugger etc. Although he had made many remarkable work of arts, he still hides his identity because he has some issues with the cops. His fans are overwhelmed by his intriguing work, and they want to keep his art safe from getting removed or destroyed. I am myself intrigued by the way he manifests himself.

Artists are not only creating art but quoting life-saving quotes, which are appreciated, and are a spark of inspirations to others. Graffiti is a good way of expressing the feelings as well as spreading the artwork and wisdom to the people. In the contemporary scenario, people are fancying graffitis all over the world, some people see them as their aesthetic.

They are posting its pictures on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. With graffitis increasing popularity, soon it’ll be considered as an art by everyone, globally. Folks are attracted by the mess that the artist has created and it has a style on its ow

Artists like Morley, Fairey, Banksy, Meek etc. should be praised rather than beaten up for the mess they have created. As stated by an American artist, Raymond Salvatore Harmon in his bn.ook BOMB: A Manifesto of Art Terrorism,

“Art is an evolutionary act. The shape of art and its role in society is constantly changing. At no point is art static. There are no rules.”

A quote I admire as I strongly believe that graffiti is a beautiful form of art, and art doesn't require to be perfect all the time. I truly believe that any form of art has the potential to change the world we live in.

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