With graduation getting closer for most people, everyone has a reason to be excited. Whether it is high school, college, graduate school, graduation is a big milestone in anyone's academic career. So you might want some music to listen to while you are waiting for that big day to come, here are some songs that the class of 2018 might want to take a listen to.
1. "Never Say Never" from Danganronpa Anime
This song has meaning to it because even if you feel like you lost hope, whether it is struggling to find work in your major, whenever you start to feel hopeless, know that there is a ray of hope beyond despair.
2. "This Is Me" from The Greatest Showman
This is you getting ready to show the world who you are! So don't be afraid to show everyone who you are.
3. "How Far I'll Go" from Moana
This is about going out of your comfort zone and trying different things rather than sticking into your normal routine.
4. "Defying Gravity" from Wicked
Take a risk because until you try you will never know.
5. "I Lived" by OneRepublic
This is about making sure you have lived your best life and taking chances.
6. "Dream On" by Aerosmith
Not everyone gets their dream career right out of school, but don't give up and keep your dreams alive until they come true.
7. "Bird Set Free" by Sia
You don't have to be trapped, you can go off and so whatever you want to do, don't let anyone clip your wings.
8. "Let It Be" by The Beatles
If you are ever feeling troubled there will be an answer let it be.
9. "Unwritten" by Natasha Beddingfield
No one can write your story you are the author of your own life.
10. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus
This was my senior song for the class of 2010 and it still applies to today it is going to be a tough journey but you will get there no matter what
11. "Go The Distance" from Hercules
It means that you are destined for bigger and better things.
12. "Seasons Of Love" from Rent
A very popular senior song, so please sing along with your friends. Because the story never ends.
13. "We Go Together" from Grease
Always remember the great times you had with your friends and know that it is not really goodbye.
14. "Victorious" by Panic At The Disco
Go out and celebrate you earned it!
15. "Good Riddance (Time of your life)" by Green Day
This is one of my favorite Green Day songs, and I really hope you did have the time of your life.
16. "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang
You accomplished a lot so celebrate
17. "Lean On Me" by Bill Whithers
For your friends, so if you ever have problems know that they always have your back
18. "No Boundaries" by Kris Allen
Another good song where there are no boundaries on your dreams.