We have all heard of Sunday scaries, it's that anxiety that sets in come Sunday when you start to worry about all that you have to do come the next week and that sadness you feel as you leave the weekend behind. Let's talk about graduation scaries, because let me tell you, it's a real thing. I graduate in 3 months and I can't help but feel a little anxious because I have yet to land my dream job.
Every Christmas since I have been at college my family members never fail to ask me "so what are you going to do when you graduate?" it really is the million dollar question. I know there are some people who have known the answer to this question basically since Kindergarten and I am very envious of those people. Honestly, I just feel like, for me, it is impossible to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life still even at age 21. I have always been indecisive. I must admit I know relatively what I want to do but I am just not quite sure exactly the job I want.
Since this is my current job situation and I graduate college in 3 months, I find myself feeling very anxious about graduation. Here are 10 other ways that I feel about graduating soon.
1. Grateful
First and foremost I am incredibly grateful for being given the opportunity to attend a University and receive a higher education. I know that there are a lot of people who won't ever be given this chance. Regardless of how hard college may be at times, I like to remind myself that I am so lucky to be graduating. Not to mention, I am grateful that I have been able to make it this far.
2. Nervous
To say that I am nervous for what the future holds is an understatement. Nothing is more nerve-racking than deciding what you are going to do for the rest of your life or thinking about how it is going to pan out. Your mind starts to race in every direction thinking of all the directions you future could take.
3. Old
I am only 21, which is still quite young but I can't help but feel old when I know I am about to graduate from college. I see freshman on campus and I think "wow they look so young," or "they still have so much time here." Plus it is notoriously known that the older you get the faster life seems to go by. I feel like the first day of my senior year at college was two weeks ago!
4. Scared
Graduating from college is a super big step for anyone and a scary step at that. I'm scared that I won't like the job that I end up choosing. I am scared that if I have to move far away I won't make new friends or I might lose my old friends.
5. Broke
I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say no one likes being broke. I am a broke college student as most are but when I graduate I will unfortunately be up to my ears in student loans. Yikes.
6. Defeated
Not having a job secured yet for after college makes me feel defeated. I thought that since I will have a degree getting a job was going to be the easy part, but news flash, it's not. I know that this isn't uncommon, especially in todays economy, but I still can't help but feel that I could be doing better.
7. Smart?
I am going to be a college graduate, so that automatically makes me smart, right? Now hear me out, I have learned a lot in college but there are also times where I feel like I could have learned more. I know I will be receiving a piece of paper that represents my knowledge at the end of all this but how accurate can that really be.
8. Sad
I feel sad because of many reasons. Some being that many of my friends will be moving to different states and I am going to miss the U of A terribly. I am sad that I am going to have to enter the real adult world and leave my childhood behind.
9. Happy
All negative emotions aside, I am ecstatic that I will be graduating in 3 months. All the new's that come with graduating like, a new career, new opportunities, new relationships, and a new life make me giddy. I am excited to see where this post-grad life will take me.
10. Proud
The fact that I was able to push through the tough times of college and make it this far is impressive. I am given myself a big hug for making it through 4 years of college. I am so proud of myself for that. I can finally say that I did it!!!
I think it is safe to say that graduating from college in 3 months makes me feel some mixed emotions.
Although I will be walking away from my 4 years at the University of Arizona with a Diploma, arguably the most important thing, my college experience has given me many other amazing things. College has given me lifelong friends, a sense of self, and independence. Although I am scared of what the future may hold for me, I know that I will be able to handle anything that is thrown at me. Entering the post-college real world will not be all smooth sailing I'm sure but I am going to remain optimistic no matter what.