Well it is that time of year again, graduation. For some it might be great but for others getting the diploma might seem not worth it. After going through all the hard times, and problems in a four year college it might have been a ride, but I am here to say, it is worth it! I myself and trying to graduate in a few weeks, but Math might get in the way of that. Nevertheless, I still am proud of myself for going through all the years of school and finally getting a degree. Then on to the real world. Graduation is also a good time to take the time to reflect on all the hard work you have done to get here. Many of us in school never think about how we got to this point, but you should never forget who, and how much was sacrificed to get you to this point. I have been grateful to have so much support from my parents in the ways of money, and time spent on my education. So in the end, it is a good time to think about this and where we want to go forward.
Graduation is also a good time to enjoy others and take the time to reminisce about the good times in school you had with your friend, and take the time to remember those times you had with your friends. These friendships will last you for a long time after your finish school. These great times you had over the course of your college time, will always be there with you and friends forever. One day, you will look back on your life and think of all the fond times in college, for it only comes once in your life. College is great and graduation is great as well, but never forget your time spent and all the hard work you have done!