Dear Graduating Senior,
WOW! You did it... can you believe it?
A new journey is approaching that you are about to endure, and you might not be ready or feel prepared and that is OK.
As you are about to walk and receive your diploma in just a few days, you should know that the actual ceremony goes by in a flash, literally. I barely remember my graduation ceremony I think all the pressure of everything caused me to blackout. That doesn't mean it's not special, though.
You should be proud, whether you are graduating with a 4.0 or a 2.5, pat yourself on the back, because you made it through all the obstacles to get here.
Next thing is, don't take advantage of these friendships you've made these past four years. I know that sometimes high school friendships seem so overrated once you leave those doors of what might seem like a prison.
Although these people may seem irrelevant now to you, they might not be when you need someone to call or reminisce on an old memory with. You don't have to be best friends with people, in fact, you don't have to stay close with anyone, but when your at college not knowing anyone, a friendly face might be nice. When you come home from college on that month-long winter break, to have people to grab coffee with or go ice skating with can be nice to look forward to.
People will change, and I guarantee you will in whatever your next chapter is. When you come home on your first college break or follow all your high school pals on social media, you might feel disconnected and a sense of uncertainty in that everything that once was so comfortable is different. That quiet girl who sat in the corner in your math class may be the raging party girl. The popular crowd may start to seem a lot more ordinary and human to you than ever before. Your friendships will evolve and some will fizzle out, but don't be afraid to embrace the change in each other's lives.
Even though change is a special thing, do not lose sight of who you are. Within change, I think it's really easy to just do what everyone else is doing, but pursue your dreams. If you go to college and realize that it's not for you, that's OK, follow what you're passionate about. If all your high school friends go the partying route and that doesn't sit well with your morals and values, stick to what you believe in.
Never change who you are.
Chase the impossible, because you could be the one who makes it possible.
Be kind to everyone and be joyful in wherever life leads you.
Thank the people who got you this far, and don't be afraid of asking them to push you a little farther.
I cannot wait to see where life takes you in this chapter.
Good Luck!
Your former graduate.